The Preston Lodge of Mark Masters. No.143
Masonic Hall, Saul Street, Preston. PR1 2QU
Installation Meeting Thursday 7th September 2017
Well here we go, it seems a long time since the last Mark Masons Team Visit but at last it’s here with a trip to one of the oldest lodges, Preston Mark, which was founded back in 1872 around the time when Dave Emmerson had just started junior school. (only kidding) 
Preston Hall
Nice day, not raining yet but large black clouds on the horizon, rolled the old Opel out from his house where he’s been having a good rest during the summer, plugged Snoopy and Garmin in who responded with “are you kidding” at which point I thought I wonder what they have planned for me further down the road!
WM's Chair
WM’s Chair Carving
Lodge Banner
Off we go 3pm, up the ramp on to the wonderful 50 mph M60 motorway, amazing the traffic was all moving, before too long left on to the M61 then the M6 before coming off at junction 31 for the A6, this was too good to be true, no hold ups.
PGM through the SW Wicket
DC Awaiting the team
Lets Practise
Ah you’ve guessed, I have been to Preston Masonic Hall a quite a few times but having missed one turning could I find Sizehouse Street, no, round and round I went, passing one chap stood on a corner at least five times!! Garmin wasn’t playing either and kept trying to send me the wrong way up a one-way street, in the end I had to revert to Google maps on my phone, do you remember when phones just used to be for making simple phone calls. At last I made it and managed to get a parking spot down the side of the hall just in time before the rain started coming down.
Always ready to chat
Display case
King Solomon’s Temple
Description Card
Once inside this very nice Hall I took a breath and then made my way upstairs to the Lodge room, already in situe  pondering over the Provincial Officer lists was the very hard working, dedicated Provincial DC Dave Emmerson accompanied by the equally hard working Provincial Tyler Ernie Gavan. I parked myself out of the way in a corner camera in hand and before too long two early members of the Lodge arrived, no surprise there, it was the Secretary Bob Norris (who had been very helpful regarding the meeting) and the Treasurer W.Bro. Whitehead.
Lets Hide
Old Apron Display. Grand Lodge of Ancient Britons
Secretary & Treasurer
When sufficient Prov Team members had arrived it was practise time under the guidance of the taskmaster and his accomplices, all nice guys really!! Considering it was a first outing for the new team it didn’t take too long for Dave (don’t leave your wands in the Lodge Emmerson) to be happy, I actually did see him smile, just once.
WM before the Meeting
Master Elect
The Lodge opened on time at 6pm and following the usual housekeeping items Prov Grand Master R.W. Bro.Keith Alan Beardmore entered the Lodge accompanied by his executive officers, Grand officers and members of the Provincial Team. He was duly presented to the WM Bro.Ross Kinder who had much delight in offering him the gavel which on this occasion he said he would accept for a short period so as to introduce members of the Team to all present. On returning the gavel it was time for the Installation Ceremony to commence, it was to be the shorter version as the incoming Master was indeed already a Past Master that said what a wonderful job Bro.Kinder made of it including the presentation of the Warrant, Book of Constitutions, Bye Laws, Keystone and Grand Patrons Collar all of which was appreciated by all present. The address to the new WM was given by W.Bro.Neil Brown Lodge DC and as is usual the poignant address to all was given by the PGM. A cheque for the Mark Charities was presented to the PGM to the value of the Lodge number and was gratefully received in aid of the needy.
Group with new WM
All Chains
New WM Wardens & Installing Master
Following the First Rising it was time for the PGM to retire accompanied by his officers and distinguished guests, on closing the Lodge it was time for a quick photo shoot before attending the bar for some liquid refreshments and taking up the allotted seats in the dining room for the Social Board.
New WM with PGM
Lets have your money
An excellent meal was served up by very efficient staff and as is usual lots of happy banter could be heard from all corners of the room between friends old and new. The Toasts were followed by some excellent responses including one from the Asst Prov GM, V.W Bro. Ian Nairn (complete with beard) whom everyone was delighted to see after having a serious operation during the summer break for a detached retina, which he explained still needs quite a lot of further work doing on it. (I must admit it didn’t sound like much fun to me)
Snug Room
PGM Toasts WM
New WM & IPM
Anyway all good things must come to an end, and the night was waning fast, the WM was pleased to present a bouquet of flowers on behalf of the Lodge to the PGM for his good lady, Ernie Gavan gave his heartfelt Tyler’s Toast to all and that was it another great night in the wonderful friendly, happy Mark Masons Degree.
Collection of DC’s
Flower Presentation
Out into the cold night drizzly air, instead of following my own instincts I listened to Garmin who decided to take me on a joy ride to where I do not know but eventually I arrived at the M61 completely missing out the M6 and before too long I was passing under the famous bus stop on the bridge so I knew not long to go now.
Tylers Toast
Looking forward to the next Team outing and meeting friends, those I know and those I have yet to meet.
Mark Well.     
Austin N Fletcher.
Flixton Shepherd Eastwood. No.1173.